
An icon of a compass representing direction.

Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON) believes in doing the right thing for the betterment of its community and stakeholders. It does this by making difficult decisions, delivering real value and being accountable to its clients, partners, government and taxpayers. The agency is committed to transparency in all aspects of governance, management, administration and operations.

Letters of Direction

The Letter of Direction is issued annually to IPON by the Minister of Colleges and Universities, outlining the agency’s goals, objectives, strategic direction and expectations.

View Letters of Direction:

Business Plans

The Business Plan is guided by the Letter of Direction and sets out the strategic business objectives, performance targets and business strategy for the next five years. These documents are updated annually to respond to changes in market conditions and the agency’s evolution.

View Business Plans:

Annual Reports

IPON’s Annual Reports highlight the agency's accomplishments and performance results for each respective fiscal year.

View Annual Reports:

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between the Minister of Colleges and Universities and the Chair of IPON’s Board of Directors. The MOU sets out the framework for accountability and the working relationships between the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Chair, the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer. It ensures that appropriate and adequate administrative, accountability, financial and reporting provisions are in place.


IPON’s By-Laws set the operational framework for the agency.

View By-Laws:

Financial statements

IPON’s financial statements are prepared by management in accordance with the Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards and are audited by the Auditor General of Ontario.

View financial statements:

Expense reports

The Ontario Public Service’s Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive establishes rules and principles to ensure fair and reasonable practices in the reimbursement of expenses, including public disclosure of expense information for all designated persons.

Designated persons include:

  • Appointees (every person appointed to the public entity by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the Lieutenant Governor or a minister)

  • CEOs (the most senior executive position, regardless of title)

  • Every member of senior management that reports directly to the CEO

View IPON travel, meals and hospitality information:

Open data

IPON supports Ontario’s commitment to Open Government. The agency believes that open data leads to a better future for Ontario, supporting innovation, efficiency, accountability and collaboration.

IPON’s work aligns with Ontario’s Digital and Data Directive, 2021.

IPON is committed to publishing a list of all the datasets it creates, collects and/or manages as data inventory. At this time, IPON does not have any data sets; future data sets will be published on this page.